Sustainability in Purchasing


We are convinced that “sustainability” is an investment in our future. But it is also the basis for economic success. It opens up new business opportunities and enables us to minimize risks and find solutions to ecological, social and business challenges – for us and our stakeholders.

Our supplier network makes a significant contribution to value creation and innovation and thus to our success. Our suppliers therefore also play a key role in helping us achieve our sustainability goals, such as improving resource efficiency and reducing CO2 emissions over the entire life cycle. It is therefore important that our business partners meet the same environmental, social and governance standards that we measure ourselves by.

This document summarizes the guiding principles for the supplier network in accordance with internationally recognized standards and guidelines. We require our business part-ners to always ensure compliance with all legal requirements, protect the environment and respect human rights in accordance with international expectations. The sustainability requirements for suppliers of production materials and non-production-related materials are specified in the “Sustainability Guidelines for Suppliers”. The assessment of suppliers’ compliance with our sustainability requirements is fully embedded in our procurement process.

We believe that we can only increase our overall sustainability performance through con-tinuous supplier development and consistent supplier and sub-supplier management. Given the supplier network, we rely on joint activities with our direct suppliers to create more transparency and achieve greater effectiveness.

Ecological Responsibility

Environmental protection

We expect all suppliers to comply with both national and international environmental standards and laws and to operate an effective, certified environmental management system according to ISO 14001 or Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) in order to continuously minimize resource consumption (especially energy, water, raw materials, primary materials) and environmental impacts (especially emissions, pollutants, waste).

Material prohibitions

Our suppliers and sub-suppliers must comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to the restriction, registration and, where necessary, authorization or notification of chemical substances contained in the final product or production process, provided that they apply to the relevant market (e.g. REACH). In addition, suppliers must implement new and proven procedures that not only ensure the delivery of parts and components, but also take environmental and health and safety aspects into account.

To implement the above standards, our suppliers should provide information that supports us in identifying critical parts and replacing the affected parts in accordance with technical, business and sustainability-related requirements.

Social Responsibility

Human rights and working conditions

It is essential for us that all business activities take into account social responsibility to-wards our own employees and society. As stated in the “Joint Declaration on Human Rights and Working Conditions” and the “Code on Human Rights and Working Conditions”, this applies both to us and to our business partners.

All suppliers are therefore called upon to observe the principles and rights set out in the guidelines of the UN Global Compact initiative and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up, and to align their due diligence processes with the requirements of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Of particular importance is the respect for human dignity and internationally recognized human rights, such as

  • the prohibition of child labor,
  • the prohibition of modern slavery (i.e. slavery, servitude and forced or coerced labor and human trafficking),
  • the prohibition of harassment and discrimination,
  • guaranteeing the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining and
  • compliance with all applicable labor regulations, e.g. with regard to working hours, remuneration and social benefits as well as occupational safety

Occupational safety and health protection

We expect all suppliers to comply with both national and international standards and laws on occupational health and safety and to operate an effective, certified occupational health and safety management system, e.g. according to ISO 45001, in order to minimize risks to the health and safety of employees, including contractors on site, and to improve working conditions.

Responsible raw material procurement

Extraction, production, transport, trade, processing and export of certain raw materials along the upstream value chain can be associated with high ESG risks for people and the environment. Our goal is to only use raw materials in our products whose extraction, production, transport, trade, processing and export do not directly or indirectly contribute to human rights violations, health and safety problems, environmental pollution or compliance violations.

We have established processes for raw materials such as tin, tungsten, tantalum and gold (so-called “3TG”) from conflict and high-risk areas (so-called “CAHRAs”) such as the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and other raw materials such as cobalt, lithium, copper, etc. and expect our suppliers to do the same. Smelters and refineries without an appropriate and verified due diligence process should be excluded. Upon request, suppliers should provide information about their supply chain, including information about the origin of the material, such as through the RMI’s “Responsible Minerals Assurance Process” (RMAP).

Raw materials should be sourced from verified sources, e.g. where possible using independent third-party certification such as the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) Responsible Mining Standard.

Indigenous peoples

The rights of indigenous peoples and local communities should be respected, promoted and protected throughout the supply chain in accordance with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Suppliers are obliged not to participate in land grabbing, to obtain free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) from existing land users as defined in the UN-REDD program and to promote appropriate compensation if the supplier has been granted land use.

Animal welfare and animal protection

It is very important to us that business activities also take the welfare of animals into ac-count. Therefore, affected suppliers are expected to implement standards and best practice methods for compliance with animal welfare along the entire supply chain. Animal testing should generally be avoided and alternative non-animal testing methods should be preferred, unless animal testing is mandatory by law. In all cases, national and international regulations on animal welfare and animal testing, such as the German Animal Welfare Act or Directive 2010/63 of the European Union (so-called ‘Laboratory Animal Directive’), must be observed.

In addition, we are committed to the following ethical principles and expect them to be adhered to by suppliers and subcontractors along the entire supply chain:

  • The “3R” principle for animal testing (Reduction, Refinement, Replacement),
  • the “Five Freedoms” of the Farm Animal Welfare Committee (FAWC) for assessing the welfare of animals and
  • the principles of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) on animal welfare (Terrestrial Animal Health Code).

Corporate Management

According to our code of conduct, responsible and lawful conduct is an integral part of our company. We demand compliance not only from our employees, but from all business partners, particularly with regard to the issues of corruption and fraud prevention, antitrust matters, tax regulations, data protection and export controls. To ensure compliance, we expect their business partners to implement an appropriate and effective compliance management system in their organization.

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